Review of Giovannino

Giovannino (1976)
Fair to middling Italian sex comedy
15 July 2008
I saw this movie without the benefit of English subtitles, so I doubtless missed a few things since my Italian leaves a lot to be desired. It seems to be a little classier than most Italian sex comedies. Judging from the dress and the cars I think that is it supposed to be set sometime in the past (or else in a VERY provincial and backward part of Italy). It is basically another of the strange "erotic family" comedies peculiar to the low-brow Italian cinema the time ("Sin in the Family", "Vice in the Family", etc.) except that rather than focusing on the sexual peccadilloes of an entire bourgeois family, this movie focuses on one especially libidinous son.

"Giovannino" (basically "Little Johnny" in English) is played by an actor who seems more than a little old for that name, but he is unmarried and still lives with his parents. He falls in love/lust with his pretty next door neighbor, but her strict parents and his strict parents put the kibosh on their relationship. He takes solace by having sex with the family maid, but after his mother catches him playing with her ample breasts, she is sent away. He goes to a bachelor party with his friends where they snort cocaine and he ends up apparently being breast-fed by a woman of ill-repute (Tina Aumont). Then he meets the daughter of a family friend (Jenny Tamburi)and still more sex ensues. Finally, he gets married at the urging of his parents, and--just like in real life--things get really boring.

You might get the idea this movie just kind of meanders pretty aimlessly from one sex scene to another--and you would be right. It doesn't seem riotously funny either, but then again I didn't understand a lot of the dialogue. Personally, I also would have preferred that it were set more in the present day (as of 1976), especially since the period setting doesn't really add much to the proceedings anyway . Aumont and Tamburi do look fetching in their old-fashioned "flapper" outfits, but I like Aumont better as a mini-skirt and bikini-clad co-ed in movies "Torso", and Tamburi looks exponentially more luscious dressed in skimpy halter tops and way too short-shorts in movies like "Sin in the Family". This is a pretty minor quibble though (especially as neither actress stays dressed too long anyway). All in all, this a fair to middling sex comedy
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