12 July 2008
Whoever cast a Fat guy to play Dracula should be shot. It just simply doesn't fit with the character nor the character description.

Though the basic plot outline sounds decent, but don't be fooled, it's 125minutes you'll never get back.

The special effects and sound effects are like that of a low budget 70's movie.

The movie itself plays out horribly slow. The majority of the acting in the movie is TERRIBLE. Not just bad, but cheesy-porno movie bad.(Most notably 'The Admiral's and (Big)'Dracula's overacting and the Coach Driver... he's just awful...) Kelsey McCann (Elizabeth)and Wes Ramsey (Bram) perform well however and are a bit of an exception. I actually expect to see more of Kelsey in the future.

DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE (Unless someone pays you to do it ;P)
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