Hancock (2008)
"It's you! Handjob!"
11 July 2008
The moment I saw the preview for Hancock, this just looked like the most ridicules movie that could be made, I was sure that it was going to flop or get horrendous reviews. But after talking to people who saw it, it was half/half of either they loved it or hated it, so I guess this was just a movie I had to see for myself. So I watched it yesterday, I am dumbfounded, I'm the half/half, I loved it and I hated it. I felt like the beginning was just silly and rushed, not to mention that the villain was just under developed and didn't have any depth to why he was so bad. But however, I did like the little twist they had, which I refuse to give away, even though I did predict it sadly, it's one of those things you'll have to see. But I also did enjoy the originality, it's not just a typical super hero movie with all the stereotypes, it was John Hancock(which by the way should've taken place in Chicago after it's famous building).

John Hancock is a homeless bum who just has a bad attitude along with a horrible drinking problem, he also is different, he is a super hero. The only problem? He causes a lot of damage when he "saves the day" and doesn't care what people think. But when a failing advertiser, Ray Embroy, is saved by John, Ray offers John a chance to look good and be the ultimate super hero. But Ray's wife, Mary, isn't so excited and has a little secret about her and John. But Ray is determined and will make sure that Hancock is a great super hero for the whole city.

Hancock is over all an alright film, it's not bad by any means, but I feel like it could have been so much more with a better script. Not to mention some of the camera angles were a little extreme, there were times where I thought the cameraman was on a tilt-a-whirl and I felt sick. But for the story I'll admit that it was original and fun at times, Will Smith is a good actor, I will always admit that, but it seems like his movies(which are always released around the fourth of July, you notice) have become like a love letter to him and how great he is. Hancock is worth the look, but I'd recommend the rental, it's just a notch under a great blockbuster.

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