Review of The Apple

The Apple (1980)
Worst musical ever? Maybe!
6 July 2008
Infamously bad musical, often considered the worst movie of that genre. This film is a treasure for bad movie lovers. It's just transcendently awful, an assault to the ears and eyes. Ed Wood-level auteur Menahem Golan, who produced such classics as Over the Top, The Forbidden Dance, the Breakin' movies, American Ninja, Ninja 3: The Domination, Superman IV and Masters of the Universe, directs this futuristic retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, set in the distant year of 1994. Mr. Boogalow is a record company executive who is symbolically the devil. Catherine Mary Stewart and George Gilmour are two Canadian ingénues who try to revive the long-dormant art of the love song (so 1970s!). Mr. Boogalow quickly puts a stop to that by tempting Stewart to the disco scene. The movie pretty much hits its record industry target, and predicts American Idol (except that, instead of soulless disco songs, for the most part the contestants on that show sing soulless ballads). It's not the stupidest movie in the world. On the other hand, it is one of the most garish imaginable, with its goofy futuristic clothes (people in the future always tend to like shiny things a lot), and the songs are beyond horrible. Well, at least they're laughable. The whole film is, very much so. And I honestly enjoyed it in a masochistic sort of way.
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