A must see for every up growing scholar
5 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Louder then words" made a very interesting point of view on 9/11 with this Final Cut edition of Loose Change. Documentaries like this will be broadcast on quality TV channels like BBC or CANVAS (here in Belgium) when time is ripe. (Read : when the people on earth have awoken) Guilty or not question of certain governments is left at the viewers decision, but certain fact simply can't be ignored ! (WTC 7 collapse and the ridiculously low budget of the general 9/11 investigation) Anyway, very well made, but at present day still boycotted tactically far away from the eyes of television audience. The reason why young adults and scholars should see this documentary is the fact that most of them were to young in 2001 to fully understand what happened back then and the consequences for the world after that particular date. The second reason is that youth is the future of our world and they are the ones to draw lessons from our mistakes (in a better way as we have handled with genocide and dissolving democracies in our time-line ) An 8 for excellent research and editing.
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