Nice First Family Movie
30 June 2008
Through an unforeseen combination of circumstances, young teen Will Friedle manages to wind up with a date with the daughter of the president of the United States. The young lady, Elizabeth Harnois, is something of a wild child and the two of them ditch the Secret Service and end up with stories to tell their grandkids. That is assuming they have the same grandkids.

When this film was made by and for the Disney Channel we had a president of the United States with a teenage daughter named Clinton. In the intervening years the Bush family has given us two daughters who were roughly Chelsea Clinton's age when she was in the White House. One wonders whether George and Laura Bush stay up worrying whether Jenna and Barbara will ditch their Secret Service detail for a little fun and frolic. As if George didn't have enough problems.

The president and first lady are played by Dabney Coleman and Mimi Kuzyk and Friedle's parents are Jay Thomas and Wanda Cannon. Imagine when they have to leave a party at Thomas's boss's house to go to the White House because while they know their son is on a date, they don't know who the girl is.

Will Friedle played the goofy older brother in Boy Meets World and I always liked him. He's got great talent. I once saw an episode of that series which called upon Friedle to do a reading from Romeo and Juliet and he did it with conviction and passion. Friedle could have been trained at the Old Vic he was that good and I've admired his talent ever since. Still he's nicely typecast in doing goofy roles like this one, like Boy Meets World and serving as the voice of Ron Stoppable in Kim Possible.

This truly is a fantasy though. That fact was brought home to us by the news that Jenna Bush is now engaged to some Ivy League preppy of impeccable blue blood background. As if a kid like who Will Friedle plays is ever going to hook up with a real president's daughter.

Still it's a nice teen fantasy, brought to us courtesy of the Magic Kingdom.
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