I know you can only agree or disagree
29 June 2008
but I want to say I cannot agree more with Moira.

What a wonderful film.

I was thinking about it just this morning, wanting to give advice to some dopey sod who'd lost money on his debit card through fraud, and wanted to say 'Keep thy money in thine pocket' and realised I was talking like James Mason.

Even tho he didn't say those words, I still think he would! I've never forgotten 'Are ye carrying?' in his reconciliation with his son, Hywel Bennet: 'Always have money in thine pocket!' Good advice.

Not enough kids have fathers with such unforgiving but well-meant attitudes any more. Or any father at all.

It would be a good thing for us to reinstate 'thee', 'thy' and 'thine' in our language to show we care. It is only the same as 'tutoyer' in French or 'du' in German.

Addendum: I just realised that a lot of my remarks were about James Mason in The Family Way!

I think it's because I mixed up Susan George with Hayley Mills. Well, easy mistake.

I stand by the comments tho'.

And Spring and Port Wine is so very similar to The Family Way.

When you took a girlfriend to the pictures in those days, you really had something to say and talk about afterwards, something that affected your knowledge of the world and your personal development.

Theatrical experiences are almost real, and they are important in helping young people to grow up.

It doesn't happen now, I think, that teenagers can just go to the pics like we did.
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