Story Of Ricky For Girls
27 June 2008
A young boy and his best friend is murdered by the son of a Yakuza gang. His sister decides to take revenge on him and his family. On first first attempt he is taken hostage and has her arm chopped off. After escaping she teams up with the mother of the friend who died and both of them take their revenge on the gang.

I was first introduced into the Asian Extreme genre with Battle Royale and I absolutely loved it. So I decided to broaden my range and watch more of what America deemed "extreme". My experience has been 50/50. When I watch a film like Story Of Ricky, I enjoy it for the stupidity and obscene amount of gore. Nothing in it is serious and everything is over the top. Then there are films that take themselves too seriously. Miike's Ichi The Killer is one of these films. I would enjoy it a lot more if it weren't so serious. Enter The Machine Girl. A grotesque, in your face blood splatter of a film. The film is competently directed and the violence is cartoonish.

The film opens with the revenge murder of 4 boys by the Machine Girl. Who has a machine gun on her arm. Think Ash from Army of Darkness minus the chainsaw. Even though said chainsaw shows up at the end of the film. While watching it I kept laughing at the crappy dialogue, but most of it was probably intentionally bad and the acting is what is expected from a film like this, bad and over the top.

The violence is over the top as well, it has to be when the lead character has a gun for an arm. Faces, limbs and everything else get blown off. After a ninja attack, who wear red track suits for some reason, the machine girl blasts his face away with the gun. After the mayhem we see that she has blown a hole into his face. This man has no face, just a hole and yet he still screams in pain and agony. How someone can still scream when they have had their entire face blown away is beyond me, yet you roll with it.

If you want a comparison to what this film is like, the house of blue leaves scene in Kill Bill is basically all over this film. Buckets of blood gush out of missing arms and heads. I can't recommend this film because it is garbage. But it's the type of garbage you can forgive because it doesn't try to be anything other then that. There are cheap CGI effects throughout. This is a type of film you watch when your drunk with a bunch of friends and you need to have something to laugh at and just basically have a good time. As a film with a narrative it fails, as a film that just wants to entertain and have people laugh at it's stupidity....it gets an A.
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