Embarrassingly bad.
27 June 2008
I felt compelled to write a comment in response to the stupid amount of "this is not porn it is beautiful art, if you don't like it you're just prudish" comments I just sifted through.

This is not beautiful, it is not art. It looked cheap and nasty. It looked as if it had the production values of an amateur porn session, lit by whatever broken desk lamps found in your average erotic dungeon. The fake snow looked like fake snow. The kids throwing snow at the old man's exposed privates made me want to punch the director for trying to make the rest of the movie anything but a comedy.

To top its woeful aesthetics off, the absolute drivel that came out of these character's mouths was nauseating. Every single time they'd have sex, which would be 85% of the film, the woman would say the same banal, generic "you inside me is beyond words" without fail.

There are some movies that are so bad that they become entertaining. Like Plan 9 from Outer Space. This was not entertaining. It was mind-numbingly boring. film. If you thought this was any good I recommend you re evaluate your life. Because something is very wrong. Probably a lot of things are very wrong.
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