Friendly chit-chat unearths more.
27 June 2008
It's midnight and it's a hot steamy night, where two ex-cons catch the last train to Fremantle. A couple stops later a young lady enters the carriage, and their gaze catches her. Soon they're trying to sweet talk and capture her attention. Further along the line another two passengers enter the carriage and from then onwards it becomes something more than just your friendly get-to-know each other discussions.

The last train to any destination can be a daunting experience, and this psychologically Australian character drama that rarely leaves its confined carriage setting and passenger's sets-up an experimental, stage-like experience of such exposition. We get to know the characters quite personally, as if you're right on board the train with them and it really relies on that intensity. A towering Steve Le Marquand (a show-stopping turn) and the spontaneous Tom Budge really drive this factor with their outstandingly raw and passionate theatrical performances of two ex-cons. They both really hold your interest. The gorgeous Gigi Edgley is confidently good too. What starts off as basic with trivial exchanges, unfolds into something more which is emotionally enthralling and boldly unpredictable with its dangerous undercurrent. The layout is kept rather taut with a cerebrally involving (and rapid tongue) script and multi-facet performances making up for the lack of action. The confronting interplay was enough to wet my appetite, even if it might have been a contrived screenplay it manages to feel fresh and authentic. Intimate photography and the decision not use any sort of music score added to the organic atmosphere. Instead it favoured natural sounds of everyday life… from the train announcer's voice to the humming nightlife coming outside the train. The slow-burn, low-key approach grows on you and has you waiting around to see how it all ends up. What's great about it, was it sticks to reality and doesn't go for anything big.
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