Coffee Enemas for everyone!!
24 June 2008
Sorry to defecate on your parade, but the latest Futurama flick was awful.

Awfully funny that is!

The Beast with a Billion Backs was consistently funny from start to finish. From Zoidberg puking, Brannigan bumbling, and Kiff sighing, to Kiff's father's left testicle, the Harlem Globetrotter planet, the legendary Pazuzu, Amy's fantastic bod, and yes, even a little bit of the old fashioned Snoo-Snoo, The Beast with a Billion Backs had me instantly hooked from its Mickey Mouse inspired beginning.

With a bizarre and extremely silly plot involving a horny universe and circuit jealousy, it's almost impossible to be bored with this flick. I shake my head at all the poindexters out there who claim they're Futurama fans but declare that this film is a failure.

It's chock full of that Futuramary goodness that we all know and love. So, get a life, suck balls, and relax with a nice, scalding hot, coffee enema.
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