My Winnipeg (2007)
Odd and uneven look at an artist and the town he grew up in
23 June 2008
I don't "get" Guy Maddin's films. Actually that should read I don't like them. They are for the most part neo-silent films pretentiously melded with an artistic bent with a sense that Dwain Esper suddenly was crossed with Andy Warhol (thats not quite right but it'll serve as a place holder). They tend to be too knowing as well.

It was with some trepidation that I plopped down to watch his My Winnipeg on IFC in Theaters on Cable.

Essentially an autobiography of Maddin crossed with a history of the city where he lives this is film that has some of the most wonderful moments I've seen all year. Its not a perfect film, there is too much talk of trains and sleep and roads out at the start that I was ready to bail early on.The endless shots of the snow covered streets will make you want to move to Florida. There are other touches that may make you scream or want to hit the fast forward, and yet there are other times when the film spins such wonderful tales (the séance in the municipal building) that the film redeems its dull spots. Its also hauntingly filmed at times with a nice other worldly effect.

I don't know what else to say. Its worth a shot on cable or DVD where you can control the flow of the dull bits. Probably the most accessible of all of Maddin's films.

6.5 out of 10
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