Great cast in a cheesy sixties sci-fi
23 June 2008
Queen of Blood is a low budget sci-fi flick that is often seen as an inspiration for the classic 'Alien'. Whether or not the film was an influence I don't know; although the two films do share some similarities. The film actually reminded me of a sub-par episode of Star Trek; yet in spite of that, there are some good ideas on display here and for what it's worth (which admittedly isn't much), Queen of Blood is not a bad little sci-fi flick. The film has an obvious low budget which is a hindrance but it overcomes this with an interesting plot line. The film takes place in the future (actually 1990) and follows a plot that starts with scientists receiving a distress call from a space ship that crash landed on Mars. Naturally they decide to send another team in on a rescue mission and when they arrive they discover only a single survivor - a green skinned female alien! They decide to bring her aboard the ship and after trying to help and talk to her, they find their efforts to be abortive. The alien's actual intention is revealed when she begins drinking the blood of the crew.

It's actually a shame that this film wasn't better as it features a mouth watering cult cast! John Saxon is excellent as always in the lead role and he receives good support from the likes of an aging Basil Rathbone and a young Dennis Hopper. Queen of Blood is clearly not an actor's film, but it's still nice to see these actors on screen together. The budget impacts most on the special effects and we're treated to some shocking space scenes, as well as an alien that is just a woman painted green. The film fails at delivering anything that looks even remotely futuristic and that does distract from the plot line more than just a little bit. The film is apparently put together from a couple of different sources and that would make sense as the plotting is often uneven and sometimes doesn't make a great deal of sense. Still, it would be silly to go into a film like this expecting a masterpiece; and even though I generally don't like low budget sci-fi, I was still mostly happy with what I got. Overall; this is not a must see film, but it's decent enough and I can recommend it.
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