24: Day 2: 1:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m. (2003)
Season 2, Episode 18
Tick, tock...
22 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Day 2, Hour 18 (1.00 a.m. - 2.00 a.m.): following the warehouse shootout, Jack, Kate and agent Yusuf Auda take the wounded Coral Snake Command member Wallace to the hospital and try to keep him alive in order to stop an unjustified war. Preventing the conflict, however, may be harder than expected, considering anti-Arab riots are ensuing in Georgia and most probably expanding to other states, leaving Palmer in an increasingly deteriorating situation.

The end is near, and still no sign of the show slowing down: the real-time format is by itself a natural pulse-quickener, and with its decision not to reveal too much when there are still six episodes to go (most other serials would have told pretty much everything by now, saving just one really big shocker for the final hour) 24 stays ahead of all mainstream dramas of the 21st century (well, maybe not Lost).

The pace is unrelenting, the secrets keep piling up and the closing cliffhanger suggests things will get quite rough in the next few hours. Way to go, Jack...
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