Thoroughly enjoyable
21 June 2008
I just saw Stone of Destiny at its world premiere at the Edinburgh Film Festival. The stars and director were in attendance as well as Ian Hamilton and Alan Stuart themselves.

I enjoyed this film very much. It's got humour and heart and characters that you can really get behind. You really want to see them succeed. It's also hard not to feel a swell of patriotism come the end -if you're a Scot. Otherwise you'll still get a warm feeling inside The cast are likable and their performances are good - although Charlie Cox and Kate Mara's accents weren't entirely convincing they both put in winning performances. The supporting cast are also good value with Stephen McCole making a very personable member of the team. Billy Boyd and Robert Carlyle do well with slightly limited roles.

There are a few niggles - like the aforementioned accents - and some suspiciously green looking trees given that its set in winter, but these are minor. I can see this doing very well when it is put on general release, and that success will be deserved.
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