Camp Rock (2008 TV Movie)
Predictable Yet Entertaining
20 June 2008
Okay, DO NOT get me wrong. I love the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato to death but honestly, it feels like this film is missing something. I know this is supposed to be a Disney Movie and that it has been endlessly compared to High School Musical but I have to say that... High School Musical carries an element of magic that is missing from Camp Rock.

The songs are all catchy and entertaining and unlike the unpredictability of a musical, when the characters sings: It makes complete sense. The acting is mediocre, there were points where the actors delivered completely while in others, their ability comes into question.

The movie itself was relatively interesting and kept me vaguely hanging, even though there were times where I just got up and walked around (got food and refreshments). Shane Gray is a convincing jerk. Overall, you can see where the movie was headed from the moment it started. But it carries you through the movie and you believe that there is such a camp out there (which is something we all wish).

I NEVER said that the movie was bad, just predictable and half-hearted. But no matter what, THERE IS SOMETHING TO ENJOY.

Even though I was jealous of Demi Lovato when Joe Jonas sang to her lakeside. & I had to pause my DVR when he got out of the lake because well... look at him.

Watch the movie and you'll find something you'll like but don't come in expecting Oscar standards.
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