Fifteen to One (1988–2003)
Dull, yet still very entertaining.
18 June 2008
15 people answer questions on various ridiculously specialist subjects, nominating and knocking out the other contestants until there are three left. These answer 40 questions, and the one with the highest score enters a finals leaderboard. Wide range of contestants made it interesting viewing.

This show appealed to me for its brilliant concept, involving a row of contestants (the majority of them retired, funnily enough) shake their heads and inevitably hear that wrong answer buzzer. The unique way in which they used to humiliate the contestants by naming the first-round losers (adding reinforcement to the "walk of shame" concept to the gameshow world) was entertaining.

Personally, I used to enjoy taking wild guesses at every question that came along. I remember it for having overly difficult questions such as "Who taught mathematics to the Prince of Bolivia in 1365?" or something those lines. In terms of difficulty, it was second only to University Challenge (don't get me started on that!) and those who won were geniuses in their own right. The programme was so boringly nice it was unintentionally funny. I can't see it returning, though, which is a shame.
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