14 June 2008
This curio thing (it's a bit unfair to bestow the title "film" on it!) was screened on Irish TV last night and I stuck with it for about half an hour just to see how bad it got, but to be honest I gave up after the first commercial break. I read it was supposed to be a parody of all things "Oirish" in films, but I'm afraid I didn't manage to last til this kicked in. As one of the other reviewers noted, signs were ominous when it took about 5 minutes of credits including self congratulatory and vanity publishing style lists of people and film boards associated with it, before the actual title of the movie finally appeared with still little indication of what it was about.

Even then it was difficult to ascertain where exactly the film was supposed to be located, whether in Wales or Ireland, which wasn't helped by such glaring clangers as geographically inaccurate police/gardai cars and the fact that the majority of cars had UK registration plates even thought this was supposed to be Donegal? As I say, it may be unfair to classify this as a review considering I'm basing it on the 20 or 30 minutes I managed to stick with this for, but to term it comedy or anything near it based on what I saw is grossly misleading - I'd put it up there with Boy eats girl in terms of brutal Irish themed films of the past twenty years. It makes Darby O'Gill and the one with Dana (Rosemary Brown) as traveller girl look like classics!!
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