Review of The Tracker

The Tracker (2002)
Slow but Unforgettable
12 June 2008
This was a DVD rental that took me completely by surprise. The story of three Australians using an aborigine tracker to hunt for a aborigine man wanted for raping and killing a woman unwinds slowly as they cross the wilderness. Untimately it's about racism and the head soldier is a racist who treats the tracker like he's not human. He kills innocent natives after questioning them about the fugitive's whereabouts. It's the tracker's performance, however,that steals the film. I recognized him from the movie Walkabout when he was just a boy. Now he's a man in his fifties, playing the fool in the film but grinning knowingly at the events that challenge the hunt. Fortunately, not all the white men are portrayed as evil. I found myself thinking about this film days later. Truly remarkable film-making.
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