24: Day 5: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (2006)
Season 5, Episode 3
Hostages, Soft Spots & A Shady First Lady
10 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Terrorists have taken over the Ontario, California (just east of Los Angeles) airport and are armed with explosives to blow themselves and others up, if necessary. Our man, Jack Bauer, is inside and reporting what's going on to CTU boss Bill Buchanan. The latter thinks Jack needs to turn himself in because he's the prime suspect in the Palmer assassination but Bauer reminds him he no longer works for him and he can take a flying leap with the idea of him turning himself in. Good for him.

This hostage and lock-down situation at the airport is tied in with the President's meeting with the Soviet leader with an anti-terrorist alliance being scheduled to be discussed. The terrorists are finally positively identified as a Russian group. These guys will do what they have to do, so immediately then begin by executing a man on live TV. The next one is going to be the teenage son of Jack's girlfriend. Hmmm, somehow I just know Bauer will figure some way to prevent the kid's killing.

Meanwhile, we see President Logan's wife using unscrupulous ways to get what she wants which, in this case, is actually some good. Outside of a couple that was in office a decade ago, I can't picture any President and First Lady acting in manners like we see here. This is very far-fetched, but it adds to the entertainment.

Another aspect that really doesn't jive is the soft spot in Bauer. A professional killer like him would not give in to terrorist demands, as he does each year, to save some kid or woman. He would look at the big picture and be detached about any act of violence. It's part of his job and he's done it himself. Yet... "Jack Bauer, if you don't show yourself, we'll kill the kid." Now, instead of being extremely helpful in thwarting these terrorists, it's "okay, okay." I don't think so. Yet.....it's reassuring to know (I must be getting cynical after two seasons) our boy will somehow finish the job against insurmountable odds and very little help.

It's outrageous at times and taxes credibility, but it's still an extremely entertaining show, which is why I and millions of others watch it. The difference with me is that I watch them on DVD so I never have to wait a week for the next episode, nor wade through annoying commercials. The surround sound is better, too, each year. However, I was lucky and got a great deal on the sets. If you don't want to spend the bucks, may I suggest renting these at your nearby rental store.
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