Well-related tale
8 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Day the Sun Turned Cold" is a well related tale of one man's conscientious 'betrayal' of his mother. Years after the fact, Guanjian (Tao) approaches the police to inform them that he suspects his mother may have poisoned his father. The young, first born son insists they investigate his claims.

The cast are particularly strong, especially Gaowa Siqin as the woman accused of this dreadful deed. Yong Hou uses his camera to bring us some stunning images of a stark winter in Northern China, and editor Wong Yee Shin keeps the narrative tight and the story interesting.

Director Ho Yim never provides reasons or even excuses as to the behaviour of Guanjian, nor does he supply us with answers to the many questions Hing-Dong Wong's script poses. As an audience we are left to decide what we think of a young man who would turn on his mother to honour his father's memory. Yim's telling, controlled direction and the thoroughly enjoyable cast keep us very interested.

Monday, May 19, 1997 - Hoyts Croydon
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