The Slaughter (2006)
1/10 yourself.........
8 June 2008
Don't buy this movie. Don't rent this movie. Don't borrow this movie. Don't watch this movie for free on television. Just don't watch this movie at all. Period. (But if you did buy it, mark it up and sell it to someone you don't like.)

What's so bad about "The Slaughter"? (1) The "acting". Is it possible to act without moving your lips?...No. But that doesn't stop the "actors". (2) The "horror". (See number 5.) (3) The "comedy". (Clowns are funnier...and clowns really aren't that funny.) (4) The "effects". It is amazing what $2.33 and silicone can't do. (5) The demon/witch women who had silicone boobs in the "ancient times".

You have been warned....
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