One of Chang Cheh's Finest Kung-fu movies
7 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen the first film in this series, as well as the David Chiang movie "The New One-Armed Swordsman", and I wasn't particularly thrilled by either one, to be honest. I left this on the shelf, and that was a big mistake.

After finally viewing it, I was stunned. It's far better than the other two films, in every possible way.

Return Of The One-Armed Swordsman is everything a Chang Cheh Kung-fu movie should be, colorful, exciting, and full of fighting, fighting, fighting.

They use all kinds of weapons in this one, from bamboo sticks to daggers, from swords to bladed disks....and there's even one bad guy who has a magic sword that shoots bullets (or something like them) out of the end of the blade. So cool! If all that weren't enough, this film has an evil femme fatale, who loves men's guts...or stabbing them, anyway.

Unfortunately, my copy of the DVD is in Chinese, with Cantonese subtitles that won't change to English, so I guess that it's defective, however I'm keeping it anyway. Even if I don't know who is who and what is what, the action sequences are worth it.

If you love Kung-fu movies, you'll love this one.
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