Doctor Who: Silence in the Library (2008)
Season 4, Episode 8
Brilliant, just brilliant... (might contain spoilers)
3 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just when you thought Steven Moffat couldn't top his previous high score... Guess what he goes and does? Tops his previous high score. I loved Blink, loved every minute it but I have to say Silence in the Library is... dare I say it? Better than Blink. This episode sucked my face into the television (yes, exactly like in The Idiot's Lantern) and it creates so many questions. Who is River Song? What's Cal? Why are there a swarm of millions of Vashta Nerada? Where is Donna? Well, I've heard some users complaining it was too confusing. Well, this is the first parter! It's supposed to be confusing and bring up many questions for the second part to answer! This episode it terrifying and Dave's death was shocking. Sure, no blood but it was the most vicious death in New Who! Vashta Nerada has a lot of potential as a monster and Steven Moffat has used it brilliantly. The acting is good, the atmosphere is brilliant and it was great to see Alex Kingston and Colin Salmon! Now, let's see where Moffat takes this with next weeks Forest of the Dead.
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