Snakehead Terror (2004 TV Movie)
You have seen this movie before...
1 June 2008
It's also called: Jaws Jaws 2 Jaws 3D Kingdom of the spiders Piranha Frogs Alligator Squirm Ants (AKA It happened at Lakewood Manor) Bug Prophecy Snowbeast The Swarm The Bees The Savage Bees Orca Grizzly Dogs

What happens is this. Man screws up the environment, and nature revolts by sending _______ to kick Man's ass. Man is having a big financial crisis, and _________ threatens it. Man summons Scientist to figure it all out. Scientist advises not to have the big _________ celebration. Government Man disagrees, because he's greedy and wants the money. Against Man's better judgment, Man lets the big ________ celebration take place. This causes mayhem and destruction. Man may or may not have romantic involvement with Scientist. Man's kid from previous marriage gets put in a vulnerable situation. Man and Scientist work together to save kid and town, and finally kills ___________. The end.
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