Paul Mazursky is a great tour guide
30 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Paul Mazursky has struck gold once again, but I have a prudish observation. The film was perfect until near the end, when foul language changed the story from G to R. The language wasn't necessary, and in fact, ruined the rest of the gem. Oh, well. For those of you who are not prudish, Yippee tells the story of the annual pilgrimage of Jews to Uman, a small town in the Ukraine, where one of the great Rabbinic masters, Reb Nachman of Breslov is buried. Each year, on the Jewish New Year, Jews recite a select ten psalms by his graveside in hopes of bringing the Messiah back to Earth. Paul's visits with the people, not just the Jews, but everyone involved, are fascinating. The documentary is also a beautiful travel guide, except for that one momentary lapse of appropriate language. I can hear Paul now chewing me out, but I am a fan of his work. I wish somehow that the questionable language could be deleted, because then this film would be perfect for all audiences, not just adults. Also, out of respect to Paul, I won't repeat his favorite joke; you'll have to watch "Yippee" and see for yourself.
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