Lord of the Rings-lite
26 May 2008
I grew up on TSR and Dungeons and Dragons. I was shocked to see they'd done an animated take on the Dragonlance tales. Considering I loved them so much, the DVD was a no-brainer. Produced by Wizards of the Coast and starring high-profile voice talent like Kiefer Sutherland, Lucy Lawless and Michelle Trachtenberg, I was psyched.

First off I like this, a lot, I watched it twice in one day. OK, there are problems, the animation is Saturday morning style, still if you grew up on that its not so bad, the character design is good, everyone looks right. The CGI isn't stellar though and the two styles don't mesh well at all. The Draconians look like card-board cutouts battling our heroes. The film is jerky and certain aspects of the story have been altered or dropped to fit a rather short format.

That said its pretty cool. Seeing it visually i realized how much was lifted from TLOTR, the fellowship of different races isn't half so interesting now and the dragons and such seem familiar. Still Raistlin, voiced by Sutherland, is as unique as it gets and Sutherland does a great job. He was my favorite character and he stands out in the film.

Tanis and Goldmoon (Lawless) aren't short-shifted either and whoever drew Tika Whelan should get some sort of award, perfect! Even with fits and starts I liked some of the touches here. This is such a great story its really hard to screw up. I've seen the venomous comments on this site and just wondering what you were expecting? Its still the story we loved from the books and as direct-to video goes, its darn good.

This was rated pg-13, which is mystifying. The violence is pretty standard cartoon stuff and a lot less ugly and damaging than the six o'clock news. A "PG" seems more in-line with what I saw. There is a bit of an open ending here and I sure hope there will be sequels. Either that of they should try a live-action adaption. This story deserves it.
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