Review of Dimples

Dimples (1936)
I love movies from the 30's and 40's but
25 May 2008
This was not one of Shirley Temple's better films and the cast didn't help much. There are several actors and actresses in the film that I like but they couldn't bring the film through to a good movie. The acting was so-so and the script didn't help much at all.

Stepin Fetchit did well in a non-credited role but didn't save the movie.

In addition Frank Morgan seemed to me to be sleepwalking his way through his role.

Some of the cast did what they could but the vehicle didn't allow them to do what they could.

All that said, little Miss Temple did what she did so well and almost managed to make it a good movie. She was, however, cast in a mediocre film but was still entertaining. Watch it for her performance.

I did winced at the blackface ... 70 years DOES make difference.
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