video voyeur
25 May 2008
Video Voyeur exemplifies the beautiful changes people can make if they have the courage and the resources to fight for change. The man who committed the crimes that he committed did so because of male supremacy and misogyny. It is very important that people realize that violence against women and children (both physical and non-physical violence) is a consequence of hatred for women (and children) just because they are females (and children.) Perhaps some men are mentally or emotionally ill, but even those people attack women for the most part. Serial killers usually kill women. Think about it! Exeptions do not destroy this generalization. Misogyny is hatred of women just because they are female and feminine and because they are not men. That part about "not men" is also critically important because people fail to see this. Likewise, supremacy is deeper than a sense of being superior to other people because of gender or race or nationality or religion or politics or whatever. It cuts so deep in society that many people do not even realize that their behavior is a product of supremacy. It is the same with misogyny. Few people, before Feminism forced society to be more aware and sensitive, knew that a "dirty joke" is a put-down against women.
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