Review of Free

Desperate Housewives: Free (2008)
Season 4, Episode 17
too dramatic to accept
19 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
this ending is absolutely the worst ever .it seems that the writers don't care about our audiences' feeling at fulfills with betraying, lying, killing, and cheating. Gaby betrayed friend 2 twice, Bree cant forgive Orson (i hope the "5 year later" thing is kidding)when she never commit her foul to cover Andre' car knocking down at series 1, and the way tom and Lynette handling "miss little evil" is totally not responsible at. eventually, i had to commit that the series 4 is the worst. it is a family crime show. compared with series 1-3, it is too dramatic to accept. expect the tornado and cancer.and huffman could win amy. again,i hope the "5 year later" thing is kidding.
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