18 May 2008
Unlike the rather paltry and ridiculous series which shares its name, this OVA is actually quite worth your time, anime fan or not. A lot of the usual anime clichés are abundant, but the difference here is that they are wrapped up tightly inside a packaging that is fairly original, and extremely entertaining, too. I mean, a bookish, busty young Japanese lady fighting with paper against big guys with guns and swords? Hey, it might not be all that weird for anime standards, but I find it pretty fun.

The story is pretty simple, yet involving and intriguing at the same time, skipping along at a gallant pace and always keeping the viewer on the edge of his seat. Read or Die is silly at times, and it does not vary all that much from what the viewer would expect from an anime, but it is damned good, and fans of the style should check it out.
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