Gutterballs (2008)
G-utter Balls!!
17 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Two rival bowling teams(how bored are these people?) made up of a cast of very unlikable and unattractive actors, who i think, are actually younger but look like they're mid-30's. The 2 two teams are like good vs bad but on the whole most of the characters are hugely unlikeable....although the bad guys are the worst of the the acting and the looks department...after a while they began to grate on me and it became an annoyance and a distraction because i just wanted them off my screen but it takes a while for them to be dispatched...although when they are offed i found it immensely gratifying and i was thankful i'd never have to see these terrible characters ever again. When the opening 'horror' occurs we have just been treated to a close up shot of the rape victims this character is wearing a skirt that is about 5-6 inches in length and has no problem with bending fore-ward and showing the entire bowl-a-rama her front bottom.....this confused me because it didn't help me to sympathise with her character when she is violently raped...yes i found it sickening and brutal but i didn't really sympathise with the girl who readily shows her muff to anyone, regardless to whether they want to see it or it begged the question why the director chose to have her me the scene would have been more shocking if her character had been easier to relate to....most women don't show their muff to all and to me i found it hard to actually care about her character..i just wanted the scene over. Once the scene is over the carnage commences. What carnage their is is well executed and sometimes made me wince and want to cover my eyes....although some of the scenes just didn't do anything for me...the sex=death scene where a cheap slapper(and i mean it..this girl really looks like they dragged her in off a street corner somewhere) and one of the 'good' guys have sex and die during, it's not convincing and looks cheap and fact none of the sex in this movie is believable or just looks like sloppy, nervous encounters between desperate actors...and willies pop up everywhere...but they're very small...and the women are not sexy at all and mostly look like crack whores...except the final 'goth' type girl who seemed to be the best out of a bad lot. Some of the other characters are badly written and badly played...for example the drag queen...they seemed to be making fun out the whole subject and making the least bit of effort into making it believable. The dialogue, combined with the terrible acting is sometimes annoying...the use of the 'f' word became grating and most of the movie is made up of the words f**k, c**t, f*g, b* really does become tedious after a while.....and some parts are downright when the meanest guy find his dead friend's headless body he asked "where the f*ck is you're head?".... This movie is a good enough attempt but was a huge let-down...some memorable gore scenes bring it up a notch...but the cast(especially the means guys) and the script take it down. Oh and the bowling bag thing on the killers head was silly and completely non-threatening and ruined what could have been a scary aspect of the movie.
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