Hit the Hay (1945)
Judy At Her Lowest Ebb
16 May 2008
No survey of "B" westerns worth its salt would be complete without a tip of the sombrero — or kick of the boot — to Judy Canova, hidalga of the hillbillies. This one is well below even Jughead Judy's perennial low standard, with one of the weakest scripts and some of the most ineffectual direction ever seen.

True, Cowgirl Canova makes an admirable stab at a dual role but ruins even that promise by having her voice so obviously dubbed for the operatic excerpts. Nonetheless, it does make for a rousing montage sequence of "Martha", but that's the high point of this low movie.

The support players try valiantly to make some headway against their piffling dialogue, but to no avail.

Behind-the-camera credits, including photography and art direction, are as lackluster as the script.
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