Sort of a dull adventure film, not too bad, but definitely more for kids
14 May 2008
I saw some of this family adventure flick just over twelve years ago, when I was nine years old. I remember finding it pretty exciting at the time, but do not recall seeing the end, even though I don't know what would have stopped me. It wasn't until last year that I finally watched the entire film from start to finish. While I certainly wasn't blown away, I still thought it was at least reasonable, despite being more of a kids' movie, and since I was nine years old (nearly ten) twelve years ago, I obviously wasn't a kid anymore by then. However, watching it a second time was pretty much an average experience.

Angus McCormick is a fourteen-year-old boy who finds a stray Golden Labrador near his home and names him Yellow. Angus soon goes with his father, John, on a sailing trip along the coast of British Columbia and brings Yellow along. Unfortunately, the three of them get caught in a storm, and the boat is tipped over by a giant wave! John is soon rescued, but Angus and Yellow are not found! The fourteen-year-old boy and his dog manage to get to shore in a lifeboat, but are now stranded in the wilderness. Angus' parents, John and Catherine, along with the Coast Guard, attempt to have their son found, while the boy and his recently adopted dog must do what they can to survive, eating what they can, signaling for planes to rescue them, and facing harsh weather conditions and dangerous wildlife!

I'm not 100% sure about the first time I watched "Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog" from start to finish, but the second time, I noticed some attempts at humour that fail (I didn't find any of it even remotely amusing, though kids might), and did find a bit of suspense, but not very much. Also, 81 minutes may not be enough for the details in the story. For example, the film doesn't quite take enough time to introduce the life of Angus and his family before the adventure begins. It starts a bit too soon. They also probably could have thought of a better ending. In other words, I think it's fair to say that the writing is a significant problem in this family adventure.

"Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog" seems to be generally thought of as more of a kids' movie, which I would say is true, but I guess it could impress some adults to a certain extent. However, it also might wear thin with another viewing, which seemed to be the case for me. I'm sure if I had seen the whole thing when I was nine years old, I would have really enjoyed it, more than I ever could over a decade later. When it comes to IMDb standards, this movie doesn't have very many votes or comments, so I guess it's pretty obscure. If I wasn't shown some of the movie back in my childhood, I would probably still be unaware of its existence. So, it may not be the easiest film to find a copy of these days, but if you ask me, it's not worth a hard search, unless maybe if it's for a kid.
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