Itsy Bitsy (2006)
14 May 2008
Now this is how you do a short about a gigantic spider in a suburban home! I saw this at Edinburgh's Dead by Dawn festival and this stood out of the disappointing opening night. David May seemed to be the only one who know how to pace things, how to tell a story and when to stop. Also brilliant about this short is the almost complete lack of dialogue; none is needed! A scene near the beginning simply consists of the spider and the main man staring at each other, and its hilarious! Although the dialogue that is used is still super, especially from the girlfriend who seems more interested in the diamond ring than the eight legged freak.

The temptation to simply have wacky spider scenario after another must have been tempting but its good to see that May resisted this. Therefore the film never has a chance to outstay its welcome, besides, the scenes they gave us were more than enough to guarantee the status of "fun".

The only flaw here is the ending; its simply not as smart as it thinks it is and is really more annoying and dumb than anything else. Though thats the problem with films these days isn't it? Think of a fun wacky idea for a film though realise only to late that you have to come up with an ending, and preferably an ending that is as good as the rest of the film which is really tough.

Anyway, this is great, perhaps I'm overreacting because of the other dribble I had to put up with but hey, perhaps (and more likely) not.
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