Review of Day Zero

Day Zero (2007)
pro-conflict propaganda
13 May 2008
AFTER reading some viewers reviews HERE I DECIDED to watch this feature because it is reportedly "balanced". after i DID watch it, at least i know which style and type of posts i should be avoiding from now on...

straight to the point, this is a PRO- war movie( very cunning, i give it that). it definitely targets young "stand-up" guys and attempts to give people a subconscious reason as why we have to AGREE with what is going on( even have a speech about "choices" people have in America and take it for granted because the youth is the "pussy" generation apparently).

basically the whole thing consists of 3 youngsters in their struggle to accept the draft or not. by the time end scene IS happening , the movie has transmitted its propagandistic vibe. while it starts with a very much ANTI- war vibe it leads the viewer to believe that there is ONLY one way.this movie paves the WAY to drafting legislation. (i doubt that will happen simply because this administration will prefer private armies ,"blackwater" for example, that are not responsible to the any international tribunals upon killing civilians)it is doing so by TRYING to make choice easier for you to the point you actually could believe that it IS your choice for the "best"."are you man enough"." the survival of the fittest" , etc... the director forgets that today's youth are BETTER informed then the previous generation and playing with people feelings, in well to know "i am with you" manner. will not get the message across.( apparently, you left someone to its fate like being raped, you have to fix that by going to war to "man-up". people can do that easily here by throwing this administration out of the office as well no?). at one point it even tells new-yorkers that they should be more concerned with doing the "first-strike" because they would be the first target if "someone" acquires "weapons of mass-destruction"( so wait... this actually must be about Iran since everyone knew, by the time this feature was produced,that Iraq had no such "evil" things?). what a DEEP INSULT TO THE 9/11 VICTIMS Memory!

another interesting observation is that while playing with the idea of deserting, the option is never considered out of FEAR. well guess what, i am in Toronto, Canada , and we have many American deserters here and they do not seem "pussies" at all. by contrary they are OUTSPOKEN, just as any FREE individual DOES INDEED HAVE THE CHOICE TO do in a democracy. i quiet had a laugh at this aspect particularly.

this has been marketed as an "indy" film. i assure it is not.IF the subject matter would been different and not propagandistic i would give this production a 6-7 due to good acting but slower towards the end( another observation point i have in spotting propaganda; when the movie slows down towards end to make sure your sentiments and feelings can properly have a meltdown, get you to sleep, hypnotize, and make your dreams play the role of influencing your conscious when waking up).

well, you can TRY to enjoy it if you already have made-up your mind. good luck with that.
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