Review of Last Hour

Last Hour (2008)
2 hours closer to death
12 May 2008
Ditto what everyone else said.

Call me a glutton for punishment, but I think I've figured out what's so G-D awful about this complete waste of celluloid.

Unless I'm wrong I think this entire mess was filmed in Hong Kong. The American actors had their lines dubbed into Chinese (or possibly French, who the F--- cares), and then re-over-dubbed back into English, which explains why reviewer placebotonic says the audio sounds like it's trying to be a Sergio Leone soundtrack.

Ting Wo Kwong is trying too hard to be Jack Wu.

Either Caubet or Lemaitre must have the stereotypes in mind of these 5 "typical" Americans, and the supporting bad-cop characters. One of them thought Paul Sorvino could pull off playing a Jewish lawyer. Everyone involved in this fiasco, including the actors who accepted the job, seem to agree. And maybe the unsophisticated Pacific Rim agrees, but I doubt it.

If there's a story somewhere in this mess, it's not worth trying to follow.

I can maybe, maybe, understand Madsen and Carradine and DMX being tempted by some foreign producer's lure of a week-long shoot in an exotic locale, all expenses paid, and maybe above-scale pay. And the poor actors do what they can with this fish-wrapper of a screenplay. One gets the sense that they are mumbling their lines at the same time they are thinking to themselves, "Think of the money. Thank goodness this will never be released in the States."

But Sorvino? Sorvino?! What's he doing in this?? Picture Paul Sorvino in 'Goodfellas'. Then picture him as the baseball manager in 'Mr 3000' where he out-acts everyone in the movie without delivering a single line for the first 90 minutes, then argues with an umpire, then sits silent for the rest of the film. 'Romeo & Juliet'. 'Law & Order'. 'Cruising.' Heck, he played Bruce Willis' dad on 'Moonlighting'. He should KNOW A PIECE OF CRAP when he reads one. He should have an agent who should have a script reader who should know a piece of crap when he reads one. Think of Sorvino in all those roles. Now picture his fat face wearing a China cap, smiling at what's supposed to be his daughter(?)in the rice field in the end of this movie. Then picture him smiling and crying when his real daughter Mira won the Oscar for a Woody Allen movie. Then back to the China cap scene. Painful.

The only thing I can think of that remotely makes sense is that this movie is really a Quentin Tarantino film in disguise, and that the horrible story, dreadful acting, abysmal editing and impossible audio are all part of the design, like the motif in 'Deathproof'. Either way, the producers have gotten one over on us.
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