A mish mash of the whole 80's thing.
10 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Biggles is a crazy mish mash of a movie which tries to incorporate so many of the myriad of genres that graced our screen during the 1980's.

Resurrecting a character like Biggles from the ripping yarns era of early 20th century British literature, was a daring move for any movie production, especially as that particular vogue had not been popular in the mainstream for over 50 years.

Knowing this they then tried to make it more palatable to the 1980's audience by taking the basic character and adding scenarios and plot twists, story lines and character types that had proved so popular in other big screen offerings throughout the decade.

I can see the movie pitch now. First off, add an American character...to give it more of an American feel for the American market. Then add a time travel element...after all it worked a treat in the previous years Back to the Future. As for Biggles himself instead of just a World War I pilot from the RFC, why not make him into more of an adventurer like say Indiana Jones. Add a kind of monocled Bond Villain with cheesy 'I expect you die' kind of dialogue and we are bound to come up with a winner.

And as crazy as it sounds they actually kind of succeeded. The film is enjoyable and is thoroughly watchable, but only if you watch with your tongue firmly in your cheek. It is an action comedy after all and it should not be taken to seriously.

The fact that the great Biggles has a 1980's American time-twin and between them the pair are zapped between modern day London and the Western Front of 1917 is laughable to say the least, but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable to follow their adventures through both eras as Biggles helps his American friend avoid the modern day cops or the American friend helps Biggles destroy a top secret sound weapon destined to change the outcome of the First World War.

Though it must be said the film has not aged well, in fact the 80's theme, the style, the fashions, the music all seems more dated and ancient than the World War I aircraft used in the film.

A Fun time is to be had here if you can take it at face value. Read more into it and you will fail to see the harmless fun intended and this film might just leave a sour taste in your mouth.
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