Crazed Fruit (1956)
A Refreshing and Very Satisfying Tale of Revenge
8 May 2008
Having seen and enjoyed The Departed, and having seen No Country for Old Men and found it overrated, and who knows how many other recent films on similar themes, I was utterly delighted to have seen a screening of Crazed Fruit at a museum a few weeks ago. In terms of movies about revenge, Crazed Fruit is much more eloquent than any number of contemporary blockbusters. It probably doesn't say much in favor of my character to admit it (! nope !), but Crazed Fruit is the only film I can think of to have evoked a desire to stand up and cheer.

Throughout the body of the film, I kept asking myself, "Okay, this is a little bit like a Japanese Rebel Without a Cause, which is great in itself, but where's the real craziness here (besides the fact that America had already influenced Japan by 1956 in ways that most American's were not aware of)?" The main characters might have had moral issues, but they were so darned *elegant* about it! Even though this (being spared from the usual stream of sanctimonious and in-immediate inner and narrative wrestling bouts of the conscience) was enough of a refreshing change from what I'd usually seen in the cinema, I still wanted to see something hardcore to justify the film's title, and I can say that the end of the film certainly did deliver on that score. No outrageous depictions of violence here, just a relentless and rather memorably nutty ending.

I don't usually dare to write my own reviews on, but I couldn't contain myself this time. I really enjoyed Crazed Fruit. It was aesthetically appealing, it portrayed its characters as being dissatisfied in completely understandable ways (i.e., as being sympathetic), and I'm just really impressed with the way the film ended.

Extra points for the weird musical score, which was a wild yet still somehow understated fusion of "La Dolce Vita"-type music and Hawiian-influenced ukulele and slide-guitar. A nice touch that added to rather than detracted from the story.

Of course, times have changed drastically since this film was made. Part of what I enjoyed was temporarily returning to an era when problems were at least traceable to something gone wrong. It's a romantic film for sure.
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