Very interesting indeed
1 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS!*** It was by pure coincidence (and because I heard about it through various indie channels and (and because I knew Pepsi hottie Mandy Amano was in it) that I stumbled across this release, and having now seen it I feel I must say that it is very underrated.

All nine stories have their own charm, obviously some more than others, but they all managed to appeal to me some how. The ones that stood out though was "Delusion" starring Jonathon Trent which managed greatly to convey the feeling of an old Hitchcockian thriller from the 50ies. "Disconnected" brought on explicit torture which I found a tad hard to watch because of it's relentlessness but it was a welcome addition regardless. "Mental Distortion" quite interestingly was a thriller building up to a twist you wouldn't guess - or, the ending at least leaves you thinking cause it could have actually have two different endings and it's all up to you. "When John Met Julia" was more a classic revenge story, except it was delightful for a change to see a female (and bloody gorgeous too) killer instead of a male killer and you'd first expect from how the film is building up.

9/10 - maybe 8/10...8.5 I think...
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