Deception (2008)
25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie certainly has its moments. Sometimes you're sitting there praying for it to freaking end, and other times you're completely absorbed into the movie. Now, in Canada, this movie is rated 14A. Considering that the first, oh, forty five minutes to an hour of the movie is basically porn, I can't help but disagree. If you're not prepared to see McGregor's fluffy chest, don't see this. So, after awhile of squirming uncomfortably, the movie finally begins to draw you in. I'm not going into details of what the movie is about, but there are plot holes abound. Many things make negative sense. For example, how can someone shoot someone else in the middle of a street in Madrid not only without anyone noticing but from a straight angle when they are standing at a far diagonal? How did the passports get made up so quickly? HOW did McGregor not die in that one scene? That made no sense at all.

Overall, it's an all right movie when you're watching it, it's amazing when you're pulled into the story, but reflecting on it later and realizing all its flaws makes my personal rating of it drop. It takes WAY too long to get into the actual story, McGregor goes through hell and back to get this girl who he met twice, there is way too much porn stuff, the ending is atrocious...but my word, the middle of the movie is just fantastic. If you're a fan of McGregor and/or Jackman, go rent it or something because they both do a good job in it. If you're not a fan of either of them, what is wrong with you, McGregor is fantastic.
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