a little disappointment
25 April 2008
this movie was a disappointment because it wasn't as good as the book itself..the story just changed too much in the movie..i mean seriously..why change almost the whole content of the story..when the content in the book was just fine and beautiful..the movie just lacked fire and that special thing..it was sweet and Hillary and Gerard do have chemistry..the casts were great and perfect too.. but the movie itself just lacked that x factor.. thing..seriously read the book first...the book is way better..i cried when i read the book..but i didn't cry when i watched the movie..and it wasn't because i knew what was gonna happen..but there wasn't that magic touch that wanted to make me cry..and seriously i cry easily( i cried in narnia)..i recommend everyone to read the book and let Cecilia Ahern magic touch ..touch u..then only watch the movie, and make a comparison..the book was better
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