I walked into the grocery store and walked out with this enchanting little film
23 April 2008
Beauty (Rebecca De Mornay, young and very, very lovely) lives with her father, sisters and brothers in ye olden times. Beauty is the unspoken "caretaker" of the family, the one who makes their lives easier with her devoted attention to their needs. The father, a merchant, has been struggling but he hears that a ship of his has come in. Before he travels to port, he asks his children what they would like as gifts from afar. All of the girls asks for expensive presents but Beauty asks only for a beautiful rose. Alas, when the patriarch arrives at the docks, he finds that the ship did not arrive but was, in fact, lost at sea. Terribly distraught, he runs into a storm on the journey home and finds shelter in a large mansion with beautiful grounds. After a night of comfort, and without meeting the home owner, father is exiting the gardens when a rose catches his eye and he picks it for Beauty. Immediately, a man-beast (John Savage) rushes into view and snarls the bad news. For stealing a rose, father must remain on the estate forever. However, after much pleading, dad convinces the beast to let him return home to say goodbye. But, once back home, the whole story tumbles out and Beauty agrees to take his place and spend the rest of her days at the distant mansion. Since she won't take "no" for an answer, Beauty soon is installed in her new surroundings. She receives beautiful new clothing and lovely rooms. She even dreams of a "handsome" prince. But, reality soon comes calling with the entrance of the beast. Will Beauty be able to endure her "pretty" prison in the company of such a monster? This is a lovely, long-ago musical adaption of the classic story but not, of course, in the same category as the brilliant animated version. This one succeeds mainly on the presence of the two stars. De Mornay makes a beautiful beauty while Savage does a fine, sympathetic turn as the spellbound beast. The other actors work ranges from fine to acceptable to laughable but that is of small importance. The music, while pleasant, is not very memorable but the costumes and sets are more than adequate. Best of all, the film is a very "family-friendly" flick. Therefore, if you want to show a nice romantic film to a crowd of young females, this is a wonderful choice, for it has no objectionable material or themes. I happened upon the film at Kroger's for $3.99 and I consider that to be money well spent indeed. Why don't you keep your own eyes on the lookout during your next trip to the supermarket?
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