A Beautiful story
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
People used to the Ghibli films of Hayao Miyazaki, who wrote the screen play for this, may be surprised that it features very few fantasy elements and those that it does feature are in a story written by the protagonist.

The protagonist is Shizuku, a school girl aged about fourteen. She is curious about a boy who has taken all of the books from the library that she is reading before her. On day she sees a cat on the train, when it gets off at her stop she follows it and ends up at a shop run by an old man who's grandson, unknown to her is the boy who has been reading the same books.

What follows is a tender love story that doesn't involve anything physical between the two as they realise how they feel. When she learns that he is going to be moving away to learn to become a violin maker she decides that she will write a story which she promises the old man he will be the first to read.

As one would expect from a Ghibli film the animation is stunning, the city feels very real and the characters are believable as they go about their everyday lives.
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