Star Trek: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (1969)
Season 3, Episode 15
50,000 years of wearing tights.
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Locki: "Yes, there IS a difference, Captain Kirk!" Kirk: "Ho-hum..." Bele: "Look, Captain, when I lie on a nice sunny beach I lie on my RIGHT side so that I can tan my left half, whereas Locki places his filthy little body on the LEFT." Kirk: "That's hardly what interests me, though. What I really wanna know is whether your women's breasts are two-coloured like your faces."

LTBYLB is yet another episode that presents us with a child-like analogy to various 20th-century/60s issues such as slavery, racism, war, class conflict... yawn. Besides, don't we have enough politicians already covering that ground, boring and annoying us all to bits? Black-white and White-black have come from planet "Unemployed Mimes", hence their dialogue is rusty, them being used more to miming than talking: very much extremely naive-sounding and consisting almost entirely of speeches and political sound bites which even Martin Luther King, Kennedy and Gandhi would have rejected as being too bombastic. BW and WB look and sound corny every step of the way.

Both BW and WB look silly, that much is clear, but the Riddler (WB) moves his body in very goofy ways, which only adds to the camp level. Check out the absurd/affected way in which he runs during the last scenes of the episode.

The two good aspects of this episode: 1) Kirk's order for self-destruction. It would seem that the somewhat sleepier Season 3 Kirk had finally woken up from his semi-slumber. (The way he was developing, i.e. regressing, Kirk would have become even worse than peace-loving Prickard by the time a hypothetical Season 6 had been shot.) On the other hand, I wasn't sufficiently convinced of the logic of the Riddler being able to steer the ship, and yet - at first - being unable to override the computer which receives Kirk's orders for self-destruction. 2) I liked the idea that WB and BW are the only remaining survivors on planet "Mime", hence would spend an eternity chasing each other on such a desolate place. (This reminds somewhat of the resolution in "The Alternative Factor".)

Locki: "He represents a brutal and tyrannical regime, and-" Kirk: "That stuff is too boring. What I'd rather know is what happens when your two races mix. Do you get a black or white child? And if it's all-white does it avoid the black breast, and if all-black does it avoid sucking from the white breast? Or do opposites attract at that early development stage of toddler-mimes i.e. do they suck the opposite-colour tit?"

In one scene, WB tries to insult Kirk and Co. by saying he had heard that "humans had evolved from apes". Of course, he's only partially right: Christian fundamentalists, as we all know, had been created 6,000 years ago out of thin air. The rest of us have ape-cousins.
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