Review of Hardcover

Hardcover (2008)
You can do better!
22 April 2008
I loved Züberts two earlier films, LAMMBOCK and TREASURE OF THE WHITE FALCON. And in this one she shows again, that he can create authentic, likable characters, funny situations, that he can tell warm-hearted stories without being cheesy... but: nothing more! This movie is very nice, very entertaining, funny, but i lacks this little extra that made Züberts previous movies so special. One has the feeling that he relied to much on the stuff he knows he can do and didn't really aim for something new or pushing his limits. Moviegoers seem to see it the same way. It got decent reviews and in the cinema everybody laughed, but it bombed big time at the box office. It seems to miss some edge, some special stuff, that makes you pay seven euros.

So, lets view this one as a short rest in the career of this director and lets wait for his next movie, where he hopefully goes to the edge again!
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