Review of Shaurya

Shaurya (2008)
Definitely a copy.... but a good copy...
17 April 2008
Shaurya centers around the characters of Javed Khan, an army-man accused of the crime of killing his own colleague and undergoing a court marshal and the events leading to it. He is defended in court by Siddharth (Rahul Bose), a lawyer in the army. The opposition is played by Javed Jaffrey, a very close friend of Rahul Roy's character. The movie is a direct, almost frame-to-frame copy of 'A Few Good Men (1992)'. Even the very famous quote "You can't handle the truth" is delivered by Brig. Pratap (K.K. Menon), who plays his role to perfection. This movie is worth a watch only to see the acting of Rahul Bose and K.K. menon. K.K. Surprises us once again. He looks and acts the part of the brigadier to perfection, as if he IS Brigadier Pratap himself. Intense. Very intense. Its sad to think an actor of his caliber is wasted in Bollywood. He is one of the finest you will ever see. Again, if we consider that the common viewer in India has not seen the classic original (because it is an 'English' movie and does not have the usual dose of Sex and Violence) then this movie is very interesting. A very good story told in a wonderful way. However, if we consider the serious cine-goer then this movie is too predictable because we already know how it ends, don't we? And we are proved right.

6/10 - because its a good copy with amazing acting.
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