Review of Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap (2007)
Mycket sevärd film som speglar svenska samhället
15 April 2008
I feel that Helena Bergström has captured the Swedish society in an honest matter. Maybe she is able to due to the relation with Colin Nutley, who has also been put through oddities in order to adapt to the Swedish system.

It is picturing how hard it is for well educated immigrants (with for Swedes odd names) into Sweden to actually get to work with what they have been educated/trained to do. They usually end up in a cleaning-or construction-crew or as in the picture, an ice-cream-salesman, or in the case of the dad, a world famous Thorax-surgeon that ends up as a subway-operator. Also you learn that in Sweden, connections is everything. Without them you will not get very far!

She also captured the spontaneity and immaturity of many "tweenagers" in Sweden today, and did it in an entertaining way.

I liked this movie since I thought it was a funny entertaining movie with a deeper message and an honest screenshot of how it is in Sweden.
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