Body/Antibody (2007)
Germs are not welcome
15 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this surprisingly good dark comedy at the Titanic Film Festival in Budapest. It's best labeled as dark comedy although there are various tone shifts throughout the movie. I guess all of us could -to a lesser extent, of course- relate to the main character, Kip's phobias. His "problems" are well documented and create some really funny moments at the start of the film. Only an attractive and mysterious woman could possibly penetrate Kip's elaborate defense mechanisms, thus the middle section introduces a femme fatale to the isolated world of our hero. This demanding role, which is pivotal to the film's success, is brilliantly played by the beautiful Leslie Kendall. At this point we are led to think that the movie might turn out to be a romantic comedy after all, events however take a different turn as love is replaced by manipulation, betrayal and greed and we are back into black comedy territory again. Although the film is for the most part set in a Manhattan apartment it is never really an issue: the script with its various twists and turns manages to keep our attention level high. Special credit must be given to Charlie Schmid's score too; it's very atypical and adds a great deal to the overall atmosphere of the movie. One of the directors, Kerry Douglas Dye was present at the screening and he told us that his intentions when writing the script was to always go for the less obvious and try to avoid all Hollywood clichés. Budget was tight, filming was tense but he pretty much succeeded and the end result is an unconventional yet very enjoyable dark comedy. I'm a sure buyer for the upcoming DVD
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