Deadly Advice (1994)
Unpleasant, unfunny and no plot.
13 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film, in which a girl imagines she can see the murderers in books coming to life and encouraging her to kill, attempts to be a whimsical black comedy. However, there is no plot worthy of the name and so the film just flounders soon after the start. It is as if the writer only had the idea for the basis of a plot, but could not think how to develop it. Furthermore, the film simply does not have any proper ending. Indeed the end might as well have come at any point earlier on for all the difference it would make to the story. The central character is a killer whose victims are wholly innocent of anything, so the audience is in no way routing for her. And is this 'comedy' funny at all? There is nothing in it that would cause the average person the slightest amusement. It is the sort of film that is aimed at those who fall for the 'emperor's clothes' trick of thinking anything with British accent must be clever: but this emperor really is stark naked.
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